October 16, 2024

Board Briefs graphic

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Spotlight on Excellence 
Vanessa Henry-Valdez,
STEM and Science Teacher at The Junior School, was honored as the October Spotlight on Excellence recipient. 
Student Council Update
Daniel Corso,
AHHS Student Council President, shared an update with Trustees  about last week’s Homecoming events, and upcoming events this next month.

Other Board Action and Presentations   

Carey Hildebrand and Lauren McLaughlin, Legislative Committee Members, presented AHISD Legislative Priorities to the Board in advance of the next Texas legislative session which begins in January 2025. The priorities will be posted on the Board website.

Dr. Frank Alfaro, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, presented a Report on Violence, Drug, Alcohol, & Tobacco Use Prevention. The data was based on 2023-24 incidents. Texas statute requires every district to publish a report on violent and criminal incidents in their school.

Dr. Yadira Palacios, Director for Teaching and Learning and Language Programs, presented a bilingual program overview.

Trustees unanimously appointed Hunter Kingman to serve in the Place 4 Trustee position. He replaces Stacy Sharp who resigned from the Board in September. Kingman will be sworn in at a Special Called Meeting on Nov. 6. His term will expire in May 2025.

Trustees heard about a request that was previously approved by the Superintendent for a high school theater department student trip to the Texas Thespian Festival in Grapevine in November 2024.

Trustees reviewed preliminary results of the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) accountability rating system.

Trustees approved the purchase of Dell computers, monitors, soundbars, and
webcams to refresh District equipment. Bond 2023 funds (Proposition C) will be utilized for this purchase.

Donations were accepted from: Alamo Heights School Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, Jennifer B. Wood and Paloma Blanca Enterprises Inc., Mule Team, Howard PTO, Alamo Heights Junior School PTO. The accepted donations totaled $308,681.45

Trustees accepted reports from the Goals and Priorities, Building and Assessment and Long-Range Planning committees and the Alamo Heights School Foundation.

Superintendent's Communication

Dr. Bashara shared highlights from the last month including celebrations and Homecoming festivities.

Next Regular Meeting: 

6 p.m., Wednesday, November 13, Board Room

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209.

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