September 27, 2023

Board Briefs graphic

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Spotlight on Excellence
Kimberly Romines, Principal’s Secretary at Howard Early Childhood Center, was honored as the September Spotlight on Excellence recipient.

Powering the Profile
Sarah Holmes, English teacher at Alamo Heights HS, was recognized for Powering the Profile for embodying the AHISD Profile of a Learner. Visit the AHISD YouTube channel for a video showing how she empowers students to “develop a healthy sense of self.”

Purple Star
Cambridge Elementary School has been awarded a Purple Star Campus Designation by the Texas Education Agency. The Purple Star recognizes Texas district and charter schools that show their support and commitment to meeting the unique needs of military-connected students and their families. Cambridge is the first Alamo Heights ISD campus to be recognized with a Purple Star. Campus Military Liaison Karyn Shellnutt and Cambridge Principal Jana Hawkins were recognized by the Board.

Student Council Update
AHHS Student Council President Grace McCormick shared an update with Trustees about class officer elections, Starts With Hello Week this week, and Homecoming activities planned for next week,.

Other Board Action and Presentations

Dr. Jimmie Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, presented on the Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) Pillars I and II- Student Achievement and Progress. She shared the September District Education Advisory Council (DEAC) Signaling after they reviewed STAAR and Advanced Placement Exams data. She also presented data from MAP Universal Screeners and PSAT National Merit scores and recognitions. She also shared next steps to continue training for staff and growing academic opportunities for students.

Trustees heard about a request that was previously approved by the Superintendent for a high school culinary department student trip to Orlando in April 2024.

Trustees approved a variety of local policies, including CKEC, CLB, CRF, CVA, CVB, DEA, FD, FFI, EIC, EIE, and GKG; a resolution regarding the designation of Non-Business Days under TPIA; a rental agreement for over 6 months with Youth Orchestras of San Antonio (YOSA); and a resolution of the Board in compliance with Senate Bill 763.

Trustees approved the naming of Studio 09 at Alamo Heights HS as The Robert L. B. Tobin Studio for the Visual Arts in recognition of gifts to the Alamo Heights School Foundation Endowment Campaign.

Donations were accepted from: AHJS PTO; Sports Network International, Inc.; Alamo Heights Mule Team, Valero Energy Foundation; Alamo Heights School Foundation; Howard PTO; Alamo Heights Mule Team, Michael D. Fravell & Katherine Elizabeth Bellock, Jesse & Jackie Alvarado, and Alamo Heights MulePushers; Bonnie and Stephen Tompsett, Highland Park Girls Golf, Amanda and Michael Whalen, and John Scott; and Mr. J. Conley Meredith and Mrs. Charlotte D. Meredith. The accepted donations totaled $283,310.75

Trustees accepted reports from the Goals and Priorities, Policy, Building and Assessment and Long-Range Planning committees and the District Education Advisory Council and Alamo Heights School Foundation Board.

Trustees approved the purchase of 4 new school buses using Bond 2023 funds, the purchase of kitchen items, the method to pay recapture tax revenue to the State of Texas, and amendments to the 2023-24 budget. All were presented by Chief Financial Officer Matthew Streger.

Trustees also approved the Bond 2023 Package #1 Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) General Contractor - Bartlett Cocke General Contractors.

Superintendent's Communication

Dr. Bashara shared highlights from the last month including KENS 5 recognition of the EXCEL Award to Jessica Gonzales at Howard and All-Star Athlete Jackson HIldebrand, a record number of attendees at the annual Teddy Bear Picnic at Howard, and the presentation of retention check to staff members.

She also invited the community to attend a Legislative Update on Tuesday, October 17, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Oaks cafeteria. Guest speakers are coming from the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and Raise Your Hand Texas. Attendees will learn more about the upcoming special legislative session and how to be an involved citizen.

Next Regular Meeting: 

6 p.m., Wednesday, October 18, Board Room

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209.

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