Instructions for Online Application

  1. For best page results, please use Google Chrome or Safari.
  2. Please make sure you are logging in through the Human Resources Page and not the Job Posting.
  3. Have your documentation ready: Certification, Degree information, Work Experience and Reference information including addresses & phone numbers.
  4. Documents can be uploaded as a pdf only under Manage Documents section.
  5. Please note that if you are editing your application, you can not edit or delete fields, you can only add new information.
  6. Required fields have been identified by a red arrow. You will not be able to submit your application until these fields have been entered.
  7. In order to be considered for employment with Alamo Heights ISD, all high school, college, and university transcripts and degrees must be from a school that is accredited by an accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
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