September 5, 2023 Monthly Message

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September 5, 2023

Dear AHISD Families-

It feels great to be back! We’re celebrating a really wonderful opening of the 2023-2024 school year. My favorite day of the week is Tuesday when I visit all of our campuses to see how I can support our campus leadership and to see all the great things taking place in our classrooms and in our facilities. I try my hardest to share snapshots of all that I celebrate about AHISD on social media through my X(Twitter)-@Bashara-Dana and my Instagram @danabasharasupt accounts. Follow me and then share with your groups the snapshots and stories that champion all that is extraordinary about our district. There is no better time than now for us to be sharing these stories and celebrating the noble profession of our educators!

Accountability- CBAS

Towards the end of the month, the Texas Education Agency will assign letter grades to every district and campus across the state. These letter grades are primarily based on how students in grades 3-11 perform on the STAAR test last spring. In AHISD, we have long cautioned against an overreliance on high stakes testing because it is a system focused on a single test administration on one day of a student’s performance in time, and it is not designed to measure a variety of important things valued by our community. The rich learning experiences that your children experience in Alamo Heights schools cannot be reduced to a single score on one day.

AHISD is a school system that places a priority on high standards of academic achievement for all students, and to that end, we embrace accountability because it is the catalyst for action for the outcomes we desire for each of our students. To that end, we have embraced a comprehensive local Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) to anchor our continuous improvement efforts.

In AHISD, accountability is more than one test score. Annually in our district we measure:
-Student academic achievement and growth
-Student college and career readiness
-Recruitment, retention and development of high-quality staff
-Supports for students to be well-rounded and engaged
-Community engagement in our schools
-Fiscal responsibility

Our local Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) relies on multiple data sources, authentic assessment opportunities, observations and feedback from stakeholders that identifies the accountability our community deserves and expects. The A-F system provides us with one piece of data to evaluate in that system. Please visit our CBAS website to learn more. Later this month, we will release a new video and new CBAS report.

Safety and Security

Finally, this month is an excellent time for you to have thoughtful conversations with your child about safety in our schools. We have made great improvements with the security features on all our campuses including vestibules, bullet resistant film, individual crisis alert buttons for all our staff and the addition of School Resource Officers. However, the key to operating safe schools is through a community commitment to reporting concerns to responsible adults on our campuses or through the Safety Concern website. I encourage you to have on-going conversations with your child about safety in an effort to provide us the information we need to proactively respond in a potential situation. Our campus administrators will provide notification each time one of our standard response protocols is practiced or implemented. As a reminder, you can access our standard response protocols in English and Spanish. We will make every effort to communicate factually about any situation we might face. 

Mules up!

Dana Bashara Signature

Dr. Dana Bashara


Residency Verification: There are still many families who have yet to complete the annual residency verification process. Please submit the required information to your campus data clerk. Visit our website for the list of needed information and the emails for our campus staff.

Opt-In for School Text Messages: AHISD utilizes the School Messenger system to communicate important information to families through email, text, and/or phone calls. If any contact information has changed over the summer, like phone numbers or email addresses, families should contact their campus office to update in our student information system. In order to receive text messages, which the district sends only in emergencies, families must opt in to this service. Here's how to sign up for text messages. Those who have previously opted in do not have to complete again.

If you see something, say something! We ask all AHISD families to commit to having ongoing conversations with students about safety and security and to encourage the reporting of any concerns to a trusted adult on campus. Families can also report safety concerns on our website by clicking Students / Parents and then Safety Concerns.

Please stay connected with all things AHISD by visiting Heights Happenings and also following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Photo of the Month:

BTS Sister Photo
On Elizabeth Case's first day of kindergarten at Howard, she had support from her big sisters Emma and Evelyn! Visit our Facebook page for an album of the first day of school pictures.

Upcoming Events

Master Calendar

Monday, September 4 - School Holiday
Thursday, September 7 - Secondary Progress Reports Distributed
Saturday, September 9 - 7:00 - 1:00 PM - ACT Testing - Location : Alamo Heights High School
Wednesday, September 13 - 7:00 - 9:00 AM - Goal & Priorities/Committee Meetings - Location: Central Office Board Room
Friday, September 15 - Elementary Progress Reports Sent Home
Friday, September 15 - 3rd & 4th Grade GT Testing
Friday, September 22 - 3rd & 4th Grade GT Testing

Tuesday, September 26 - Family Night - No Homework
Wednesday, September 27 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Coffee with Principal Smith - Location: Alamo Heights High School, Barbara & Alan Dreeben Auditorium Foyer
Wednesday, September 27 - 6:00 - 9:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting - Location: Central Office Board Room
Wednesday, September 27 - Secondary Progress Reports Distributed
Friday, September 29 - 3rd & 4th Grade GT Testing

Back to School Nights

Wednesday, September 6, 6 to 7:15 p.m. - 1st and 2nd Grades
Thursday, September 7, 6 to 7:15 p.m. - 3rd- 5th Grades

Wednesday, September 6, 6 to 7:15 p.m. - 1st and 2nd Grades
Thursday, September 7, 6 to 7:15 p.m. - 3rd- 5th Grades

Alamo Heights High School
Wednesday, September 20, 6 to 7:30 p.m. - 9th-12th Grades

PTO General Meetings

Tuesday, September 12 - 12:00 - 1:00 - Woodridge PTO Meeting - Woodridge Elementary, The Suzanne & Jimmy Goudge Auditorium
Tuesday, September 12 - 12:00 - 1:00 PM - Alamo Heights High School PTO Meeting - Location: Alamo Heights High School, Barbara & Alan Dreeben Auditorium Foyer
Thursday, September 14 - 12:00 - 1:00 PM - Cambridge PTO Meeting - Cambridge Elementary
Tuesday, September 19 - 12:00-1:00 PM - Junior School PTO Meeting - Location: Junior

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