Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees.
This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Spotlight on Excellence.
Bryan Slocumb, computer technician in the Technology Department, was honored as the September Spotlight on Excellence recipient. In addition to his daily responsibilities (excellent customer service and technical expertise), he has volunteered with the esports program at the Junior School, dedicating his time to helping students become better gamers and team members.
Powering the Profile.
Lea Ann Hrncir-Earnest, PreK teacher, and Jessica Herrera, teaching assistant, from Howard Early Childhood Center were recognized for Powering the Profile for embodying the AHISD Profile of a Learner. They work every day to ‘employ skills for life’ in the district’s youngest learners. Visit the AHISD YouTube page to watch a video of this duo in action.
Student Council.
Dylan Corso, President of the Alamo Heights High School Student Council shared an update with Trustees on class officer elections, upcoming homecoming events, and the “It’s a Great Day to Be Kind” campaign.
Other Board Action and Presentations
Trustees heard a report on the District’s safety and security presented by Frank Stanage, Director of Human Resources and the District’s Emergency Response Coordinator. The District has approved a contract with a company called Centegix to purchase CrisisAlert buttons for staff members. The wearable badges would allow for instant notification and response in case an emergency situation arises that requires administrator support or law enforcement. The initiative is funded by the Alamo Heights School Foundation.
Dr. Jimmie Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, presented a report on Pillars 1 and 2 of the Community Based Accountability System (CBAS). Pillar 1 is focused on Student Achievement and Progress, which includes STAAR data, and Pillar 2 which focuses on Student Readiness with PSAT, SAT, and AP exam data. Visit the CBAS website for more information about the accountability system. Subsequent reports to the Board in the coming months will focus on the remaining Pillars.
Dr. Bashara presented AHISD Legislative Priorities to the Board in advance of the next Texas legislative session which begins in January 2023. The priorities will be posted on the Board website. Trustees hope to meet with legislators in the coming months.
Trustees heard about a request that was previously approved by the Superintendent for a high school orchestra trip for students in March 2023 to perform in New Orleans presented by Orchestra Director Carlos Quiroz. The first orchestra concert of the year is Oct. 18 at the high school auditorium.
Trustees approved the naming of the Medicine/Athletic Training Clinic at Alamo Heights HS as “Doc’s Clinic” in recognition of a gift to the Alamo Heights School Foundation Endowment Campaign by Steve and Anne Ballantyne. The name is in honor of “Doc” Gordon Garrett, a former athletic trainer.
Donations were accepted from the Alamo Heights School Foundation, Howard PTO, Alamo Heights Junior School PTO, Carlos Garza, and Alamo Heights Rotary Club. The accepted donations totaled $232,395.89.
Trustees accepted reports from the Building, Goals and Priorities, and Assessment and Long Range Planning committees; the District Education Advisory Council, and Legislative, Policy, and Safety committees. Trustees also accepted the 2021-22 Annual SHAC Report and Wellness Plans and a presentation of House Bill 3 Goals.
Trustees considered local policy updates from TASB Update 119. Board policies are posted on the Board Policy website.
Superintendent’s Communication
Dr. Bashara highlighted…
The community is invited to a Legislative and School Finance Lunch and Learn Oct. 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Alamo Heights HS foyer.
Parents are invited to participate in the Partners for the Profile experience that will be hosted twice in the first nine weeks. The newly designed program is a ½ day learning experience for community members to find out more about the way we support our AHISD Profile of a Learner in every classroom every day. Participants will be invited to tour classrooms at our High School and an Elementary campus to see the way lesson design impacts student learning. You can choose to either attend Thursday, October 13, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or Thursday, November 10, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Those interested should fill out the following form: Partners for the Profile Parent Sign Up.
The District will also launch a new opportunity to engage with grandparents and senior citizens in our community with the first meeting of our Senior Mules/Grand Mules program on Nov.14 at Alamo Heights HS auditorium. Participants will receive a Gold Card which grants free admission to regular season athletic events and tour campuses. RSVP by email to Alicia Caballero, Superintendent’s Secretary, at [email protected] or by phone to 210-832-5953.
Elementary parent conferences take place on October 21. Dr. Bashara encourages families to take the opportunity to engage with their teachers in this one on one setting. Appointments will be set up in the next few weeks.
Next Regular Meeting: 6 p.m., Thursday, October 20, Board Room
Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Thursday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209.
Meeting Information is also posted on the Board website.
Regular meetings are broadcast live and recordings are available within 24 hours.
If you would like to communicate with the Board of Trustees, email them at [email protected].