June 19, 2024

Board Briefs graphic

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Spotlight on Excellence
Blanca Taboada
, librarian at Cambridge, was honored as the June Spotlight on Excellence recipient.

Powering the Profile
Emily Fohn
and Stephanie Lopez, pre kindergarten teachers at Howard, were recognized for Powering the Profile for embodying the AHISD Profile of a Learner. Visit the AHISD YouTube channel for a video showing how they ‘communicate and collaborate.’

Tennis State Qualifier
Brayden Effler
, now an AHHS graduate, was the only AHISD student who qualified for the UIL State Tennis Tournament held here in San Antonio back in May. His coach is Larry Oxford.

Spurs State and National Competition
The Spurs dance team, under the direction of Luisa Hidalgo, earned regional, state and national recognition this year. At State competition, they earned 2nd place in their team routines and earned awards for Outstanding Technique, Precision, Choreography, and Showmanship. Four individual soloists earned superior ratings. At the NDA Nationals competition, the Spurs were semifinalists, earned a Superior Rating, and were the only team awarded the NDA Sportsmanship Award.

Team members are: Francie Decherd, Avi Escudero, Kaitlyn Mafrige, Mariah Garner, Araceli Rios, Nyla Floyd, Alex Kendrick, Adri Ybarra-Hill, Skarlett Muniz, Madison Ritchie, Sadine Sanchez, Gianna Garcia, Maddie McDonald, Juliette Drake, Caroline Drake, and Jamison Cummings.

Other Board Action and Presentations   

Trustees heard about requests that were previously approved by the Superintendent for high school student trips in March 2025 - a Band and Orchestra trip to Chicago and an Aquatics trip to Costa Rica.

Matt Streger, Chief Financial Officer, presented an update on the 2024-25 budget. The final budget recommendation will be adopted in August. Frank Stanage, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, presented an insurance update.

Trustees approved a recommendation to adjust the AHISD fiscal year start date from September 1 to July 1. To make the change, the approval is a year in advance of the new fiscal year. A significant benefit in adopting a July 1 fiscal year start date is the avoidance each August of closing out fiscal year spending at the same moment the new school year is ramping up.

Trustees received an annual report on 2023-2024 Facility Rentals and the plan for 2024-25 Employee Professional Development; and approved a resolution about 4H Extracurricular Activities and the 2024-25 Education Service Center (ESC) Region 20 Commitment Forms.

As required by policy FFG (LOCAL), Trustees completed an annual review of policy for reporting child abuse. They approved revisions to DC (LOCAL) on employment practices and approved the 2024-25 members of the District Education Advisory Council (DEAC). They also approved revisions to local policies BQ, BQA, BQB, DBA, DCA, DK, DNA, EB, EEB, and FO to align with the District of Innovation (DOI) plan renewal that was approved in December 2023

As required by Board policy GKD (LOCAL), the Board approved the rental of district facilities for a non-school use beyond six months.

The Board approved the purchase of Mosyle Manager Premium Licenses.

Donations were accepted from: AHJS PTO, Paul and Doris Salisbury, Texas Cavaliers, Bartlett Cocke, Cambridge PTO, Alamo Heights School Foundation, ClassLink Inc., and LPA. The accepted donations totaled $1,598,177.29.

Trustees accepted reports from the Policy, Building, Budget, Goals and Priorities, and Assessment and Long Range Planning committees.

Superintendent's Communication

Dr. Bashara highlighted end of year celebrations and awards, bond construction updates, and a look at summer learning and professional development.

Next Regular Meeting: 

6 p.m., Wednesday, August 14, Board Room

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209.

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