The schematic design for Alamo Heights High School was presented at the January 2024 Board Meeting. It is the first major project funded by Bond 2023 which was overwhelmingly approved by voters in May 2023. The design is for a new academic and administrative building at AHHS that replaces the current structure.
“As a result of the year-long needs assessment meetings with a variety of stakeholders, our architects have arrived at a schematic design for AHHS that includes larger classrooms, more natural lighting, an increase in outdoor learning spaces and the inclusion of multi-purpose and collaborative spaces,” says AHISD Superintendent Dr. Dana Bashara. “Safety and security considerations are embedded into all aspects of the design,”
The schematic design is available on the Bond 2023 Updates website.
The front of the new building is designed to look similar to the current facade of the building facing Broadway, with the majority of trees untouched by the design. The third floor is even recessed to the back so as not to protrude on the appearance.
Acknowledging the historical and nostalgic significance that the current AHHS building has for the community, the District will identify key items to keep from the current building, such as the stained glass mule in the entrance, the WWII military service display by the library, the class photos in the main wing, etc.
District staff and Trustees worked with architects from LPA Design Studios and Bartlett Cocke General Contractors in design and planning for construction at AHHS which is expected to last from May 2024 until August 2026.
“Our community has a great tradition of honoring our past while embracing our future,” says Board President David Hornberger. “In that spirit, as an alum and also as a trustee and parent, I am excited about this opportunity to redesign the high school campus and tackle persistent issues while also meeting the needs of our students and teachers that frankly just did not exist when the building was first constructed.”
High school staff and leaders were part of an Architectural Design Team and participated in more than 10 meetings during the conceptual design process in fall of 2023, providing input on needs for more collaborative spaces, a design focused on teaching and learning, increased square footage, and additional outdoor learning spaces.
“The members of the Architectural Design Team have thoroughly enjoyed the planning and design process for our new building and the genuine excitement it has created for the new space and learning opportunities it will provide,” says AHHS Principal Cory Smith. “The addition of dedicated collaboration spaces, multipurpose classrooms, and outdoor learning environments will support our students in developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions highlighted in our district’s Profile of a Learner, which they will need to thrive in the world beyond high school.”
Regular bond construction updates will be provided at Board Meetings, in the School Views publication mailed to AHISD residents three times a year, and on district social media platforms.
Additionally, logistical information will be shared with AHHS students and families as the 2024-2025 school year approaches. Campus leaders continue to collaborate and plan for the impacts of construction on classroom spaces, safety, and parking.