***TUITION BUS FEES ARE INCREASING FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR. NEW FEE IS $450.00 PER STUDENT. There has been no change to the fee since 2017 and it must go up to cover the rising costs of Transportation***
The national school bus driver shortage continues to affect every school district including Alamo Heights. We do our very best to accommodate everyone that is interested in our tuition bus service, however once we get close to our maximum rider limit of 48 students on our existing bus routes, we will have to put you on our waiting list until a seat opens up. The maximum allowance of 48 is for student safety.
Howard/Junior School/High School initial bus contract registration, payment, and free/reduced lunch status verification starts July 8, 2024 and closes August 4, 2024. This closing time allows us to create routes and be ready for the first day of school. Registration will start up again on August 26, 2024, and will continue all year.
After all information is complete and verified, phone calls with bus information will be made to Howard tuition bus rider families starting August 7-August 9, 2024.
Cambridge/Woodridge bus contract registration starts July 8, 2024 for tuition bus riders. Payment, and free/reduced lunch status verification starts August 26, 2024 (with no end date) so we can determine how many seats are available on each bus route (seating is limited). Registration AND Payment or Free/Reduced Lunch Verification must BOTH be completed to put your child on the waiting list.
Online bus contract registration MUST be completed BEFORE payment is accepted or free/reduced lunch application is verified.
For students who live 2 or more miles (“2+ mile”) from their school campus, the regular school bus contract registration must be updated every year and this will begin July 1, 2024. Students will not be allowed to ride until this is completed.
Bus contract registration applications are reviewed and approved and bus lists are updated for drivers every Monday morning.
Our 2+ mile rider students can begin riding on the following Tuesday after everything has been completed. For your bus stop information please click here.
Tuition bus families that register/pay/are verified the week of August 26 will be called on Tuesday (September 3, 2024 for the first week) with bus information to begin riding on Wednesday (September 4, 2024).
Our basic Tuition Bus information that applies every year is listed below.
- Availability is first-come, first-served.
- For children on free/reduced lunch, the fee is waived and there is no cost. Participation in the program must be verified by Transportation before bus riding can begin. If you do not qualify for free/reduced lunch, the cost is $450 per school year per student - This cost is higher for the 2024-2025 school year. There has been no increase since 2017 and must go up to cover the rising costs of transportation. The cost is the same if you are riding only in the morning or only in the afternoon as you are paying for the seat on the bus and we cannot give it to anyone else.
- Refunds for service cancellation will only be given within two weeks of the approved start of service. Refunds will NOT be given for behavioral issues.
- Bus contracts must be submitted, and payment made or free reduced lunch verified before ridership can begin. This process takes a minimum of three days.
- Tuition must be renewed every school year.
- Anyone living outside of 2 miles is still free to ride. For bus stop information please click here.
- Anyone using the after school Late Bus service is still free to ride after registration for Late Bus has been completed.
Late bus runs:
Elementary schools: Tuesday - Thursday at 4:40 p.m.
Junior School: Monday - Thursday at 5 p.m.
High School: Monday - Thursday at 5:10 p.m.
- We reserve the right to refuse service to any student who does not follow bus safety expectations.