January 19, 2023

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


School Board Recognition Month

January is School Board Recognition Month. The AHISD Board of Trustees was recognized and thanked for their dedication and service to the District. The theme of this year’s School Board Recognition Month is Forward, Together, which highlights the collaboration among school leadership, teachers, and parents on behalf of students. Despite the fact that the last few years have brought many challenges to public education, the AHISD board has remained resolute in its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

Powering the Profile

Angela Szentes and Patricia Salazar, 1st grade dual language teachers at Cambridge, were recognized for Powering the Profile for embodying the AHISD Profile of a Learner. Visit the AHISD YouTube channel for a video showing how they encourage students to “communicate and collaborate.” 

Spotlight on Excellence 

Stacia Morse, receptionist at Cambridge Elementary, was honored as the January Spotlight on Excellence recipient. 

Campus Teachers of the Year 

The 2023 Campus Teachers of the Year were recognized. They are: Benjamin Keenan, Alamo Heights HS; John “Charley” Gilbert, Alamo Heights Junior School; Courtney Crane, Cambridge Elementary; Felicia Pendleton, Woodridge Elementary; and Michele Johnson, Howard Early Childhood Center. 

District Teacher of the Year

Benjamin Keenan, English Language Arts teacher and department chair at Alamo Height HS, is the 2023 Alamo Heights ISD Teacher of the Year. He will represent AHISD as the district’s nominee for the Trinity Prize for Excellence in Education and Region 20 Teacher of the Year. Learn more about this outstanding educator on the AHISD website. 

TAFE State Qualifiers

AHISD has three state qualifiers for the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) competition. This was the district’s first time competing at this event. Dietric Lozano, Maithy Smith, and Emma Cantwell qualified for the state competition in March in Round Rock.Teacher is Jackie Moore.

Student Council

Dylan Corso, Co-President of the Alamo Heights High School Student Council, shared the January update with Trustees. 

Other Board Action and Presentations  

Dr. Frank Alfaro, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, presented Trustees with a proposed 2023-24 school calendar. The approved calendar is posted to the AHISD website.

AHISD’s Academic Performance Report was presented by Dr. Jimmie Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, and a public hearing was held as required by Texas law. 

Dr. Bashara; Mike Hagar, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance; and Brita Pearson, LPA Architects, presented a Construction and Bond 2023 Planning Update. 

Trustees reviewed revisions to LOCAL policy EIC: Academic Achievement Class Ranking. 

Donations were accepted from: Texas Sports Productions Inc; Humanities Texas, and Henrietta Hildebrand. The accepted donations totaled $4,600.

Trustees accepted reports from the Building, Goals and Priorities, and Assessment and Long Range Planning committees; and Alamo Heights School Foundation.

Alamo Heights ISD will hold an election May 6, 2023 for Place 3 and Place 4 Board positions. 

Next Regular Meeting: 6 p.m., Thursday, February 16, Board Room 

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Thursday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209. 

Meeting Information is also posted on the Board website.  

Regular meetings are broadcast live and recordings are available within 24 hours. 

If you would like to communicate with the Board of Trustees, email them at [email protected]

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