August 18, 2022

Board Briefs graphic

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. 

This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Spotlight on Excellence. 

Frank Stanage, Director of Human Resources and District Safety Coordinator, was honored as the August Spotlight on Excellence recipient. He excelled in supporting our employees through the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, including going over and above to ensure that we had a sufficient cadre of qualified substitute teachers then and now in an environment of shortages city and statewide. Over the summer he led the hiring process for more than 90 new employees  in addition to directing  the efforts of district and campus safety committees in his role as our district Safety Coordinator, to update and review district safety practices.  

National Pitch Finalists. 

In July, AHISD was represented by Team Nusic at the IncubatorEdu National Pitch Competition. They were one of five finalists selected out of more than 50 submissions to the national competition. Team members are Emma Soupiset, Caroline Daskevich, Quentin Gutierrrez, and Thomas Dorbandt and Business Incubator Teacher is La Rhon Fields. Team Nusic’s volunteer Mentor is Nathan Sharp

Humanities, Texas Award Winners.

Lisa Barry, a 5th grade teacher at Woodridge Elementary, and Jan Takac, an AP history teacher at Alamo Heights High School were awarded state teaching honors from Humanities, Texas. There were only 15 teachers honored statewide with these awards, and AHISD is the only district to have two chosen. The awards include $5,000 for each award winner, and $1,000 for humanities instructional materials for each school. There will also be formal award presentations to both of these educators in the coming months. 

Trustees adopts 2022-23 budget and approve tax rate 

Trustees adopted a budget of $85,258,040 and held a public hearing and approved the tax rate for the 2022-23 school year. Trustees approved a total tax rate of $1.1355 per $100 of assessed valuation. The overall  tax rate is $.0579 lower than the 2021-2022 rate. The rates adopted were $0.9355 for Maintenance and Operations and $0.20 for Interest and Sinking (I&S). The budget and tax rate were presented by Mike Hagar, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance. 

2022-2023 Compensation Plan Approved 

Trustees approved the 2022-2023 compensation plan as presented by Frank Stanage, Director of Human Resources. While all employees received a pay increase, the plan is highlighted by a 3 percent raise for teachers and auxiliary staff. This raise was the direct result of revenue raised from the community support of the Voter Approved Tax Rate Election in 2021. Additionally, a one-time $350 retention appreciation bonus was approved for any returning employee who was employed before January 1, 2022. More information will be posted on the Compensation website soon. 

Other Board Action and Presentations  

  • Approved a contract with LPA, Inc. for planning and architectural services for Alamo Heights ISD.
  • Approved a resolution to join the The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Purchasing Cooperative offered by Region VIII Education Service Center. 
  • Donations were accepted from the Alamo Heights Academic Support Group for GP programs and Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union for the New Employee Luncheon and Convocation Breakfast. The accepted donations totaled $13,618.61.
  • Trustees accepted reports from the Budget, Building, and Goals and Priorities committees; the Alamo Heights School Foundation; and the District Safety Committee. 
  • Trustees heard a report on the district’s annual facility rentals presented by Dr. Frank Alfaro, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services. 

Superintendent’s Communication

  • Dr. Bashara highlighted the excitement of the beginning of the school year including employee Convocation, Meet the Teacher campus events, welcoming a record number of new employees, and the first day of school. She also underscored the importance of focusing on recruitment and retention of staff especially with shortages of teachers state and nationwide.
  • Dr. Bashara provided an update on the release of the state accountability rating that rates AHISD as an “A” district as well as our local Community Based Accountability System in AHISD that is based on more than just test scores on any given day. She also spoke about summer efforts to review safety protocols, complete summer safety audits, and efforts to train employees before the school year began.
  • She reminded the community about the next meeting with LPA architects to discuss future construction projects. The meeting is scheduled from 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept.1 in The Oaks cafeteria. 

Next Regular Meeting: 6 p.m., Thursday, September 15, Board Room 

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Thursday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209. 

Meeting Information is also posted on the Board website.  

Regular meetings are broadcast live and recordings are available within 24 hours. 

If you would like to communicate with the Board of Trustees, email them at [email protected]

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