October 19, 2022

Board Briefs - October 19. 2022

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. 

This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Spotlight on Excellence. 

Rachel Vayo, sixth grade reaching teacher at the Junior School, was honored as the October Spotlight on Excellence recipient. 


Elisabeth Murguia, a physical education teacher at Cambridge ES, is the 2022-23 EXCEL Award recipient for AHISD. The EXCEL Award is sponsored by KENS 5 and Credit Human and representatives from both organizations visited the school to present her with an apple trophy and $1,000 check last month.

All-Star Athlete and Scholar of the Week

Senior Claire Walton was recognized for two recent honors- the KENS 5/UPS 

Store All-Star Athlete Award and the Thursday Night Lights Scholar Athlete of the


National Merit 

 The Board honored students who have been recognized by the National Merit 

Scholarship Program and College Board. Visit our website to learn more about 

these top scholars. 

Student Council.

Lillie Greehey, Co-President of the Alamo Heights High School Student Council shared an update with Trustees. She highlighted the success of Homecoming events last week. The Student Council is leading a Thanksgiving Basket initiative for families in need in the community and planning a Maintenance and Custodial Appreciation lunch. They’re also going to sell sweatshirts to raise money for a trip to a state conference. 

Other Board Action and Presentations  

Trustees heard a report on the District’s instructional technology 2022-23 action plan presented by Brian Grenier, Director of Technology, and Dr. Jimmie Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. 

Dr. Walker also presented a report on Pillar 7 of the Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) which is focused on Fiscal and Operational Systems.  Visit the CBAS website for more information about the accountability system. Subsequent reports to the Board in the coming months will focus on the remaining Pillars. 

Trustees heard about two requests that were previously approved by the Superintendent for high school student trips - a Spring Break trip in 2023 to World War I and World II sites in Europe and a July 2023 ecological tour of Costa Rica.

Trustees approved the naming of the STEM Classroom at The Junior School after Buff Waters in recognition of a gift to the Alamo Heights School Foundation Endowment Campaign by Jenger and Steve Waters family. Waters is a 1965 AHHS graduate.

Donations were accepted from: the Alamo Heights Junior School PTO, Mulepushers, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Sutin, and Mr. Juan Ortega and Nancy Benavidez-Ortega. The accepted donations totaled $27,571.78. 

Trustees accepted reports from the Building, Goals and Priorities, and Assessment and Long Range Planning committees; the District Design Team and Alamo Heights School Foundation. Trustees reviewed the district’s investment policy CDA (LOCAL). 

Trustees approved a request for a TEA Waiver for a 7th grade reading diagnostic tool. School districts are required to administer a reading instrument adopted by the commissioner to each student whose performance on the grade 6 STAAR reading assessment did not demonstrate reading proficiency. Districts may request a waiver in order to use another instrument approved by a local district board of trustees in order to best meet student needs.

Trustees adopted a resolution, required by Texas Education Code, convening the local school health advisory council (SHAC) for the purpose of making recommendations regarding curriculum materials for the District’s instruction relating to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking.

Trustees approved emergency repairs at Alamo Heights High School to repair the fire line and the stage lighting panel that was damaged by the break in the fire line.

Superintendent’s Communication

Dr. Bashara celebrated a successful Homecoming season including the Howdy Parade, bonfire, and the Howard Homecoming event. She reminded everyone to reach out and share support for teachers and staff as October is a challenging month. 

She congratulated the boys and girls water polo teams for being Area Champions in their first season as a UIL sport, the Cross Country teams named district champions and headed to Regionals next week, the Bi-District Champion tennis team that is still competing in the playoffs on Friday, and the girls golf team that won the Swing for the Cure event. She also congratulated the Mighty Mule Band for their outstanding competition performance and wished them well at the UIL Area competition this weekend. 

Dr. Bashara highlighted the success of the first Partners for the Profile event last week. The newly redesigned event included parents and community members who toured campuses and discussed topics of interest to them. The next event is Thursday, November 10, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Those interested should fill out the following form: Partners for the Profile Parent Sign Up.

The first event for Senior Citizen and Grandparent Mules is coming up on November 14. RSVP by email to Alicia Caballero, Superintendent’s Secretary, at [email protected] or by phone to 210-832-5953.

Dr. Bashara discussed security updates including the addition in November of a new School Resource Officer who will serve our elementary campuses and a communication for parents about reunification plans in the event of a crisis. 

She highlighted successful professional development including the math vertical alignment work this week, and upcoming academic progress monitoring with administrators as an opportunity to set goals and better support staff. 

This Friday, staff members who were employed with the district in January 2022 will receive a $350 retention stipend. A letter from the Board of Trustees was shared with those employees earlier this week. The District continues to work on efforts to recruit and retain AHISD staff. 

Next Regular Meeting: 6 p.m., Thursday, November 17, Board Room 

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Thursday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209. 

Meeting Information is also posted on the Board website.  

Regular meetings are broadcast live and recordings are available within 24 hours. 

If you would like to communicate with the Board of Trustees, email them at [email protected].

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