Class Rank

Graduation photo collage 2023

The landscape for college admissions is rapidly changing, and AHISD is taking responsive action to ensure our students are competitive during the college application process and well-prepared once accepted into college.

At the April 17, 2024, AHISD School Board Meeting, Trustees approved changes to the method used to calculate weighted GPA and the reporting of class rank beginning with the class of 2028 (students entering grade nine in the 2024-2025 school year). The intent of the change is to ensure a fair and rigorous class ranking methodology and allow students to select courses and pathways of study based on their individual interests and aptitudes.

Beginning with the 2028 Graduation Cohort, students will receive two GPAs.

  - Cumulative GPA is based on all courses
  - Rank in Class (RIC) GPA is based on core courses only (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)

Beginning with the 2028 Graduation Cohort, class rank for automatic admission to Texas public universities will be based on Rank in Class (core-only) GPA.

Beginning in the fall of 2024, AHISD will only provide numeric rank for students in the top 10% of their cohort.

Beginning with the 2028 Graduation Cohort, AHISD will return to a multiplier system with 3 course categories (1.0, 1.1, 1.13).

There will be a window of time for parents and students to make changes to HS course enrollment if this new policy alters a student's consideration for which courses they want to take.

Frequently Asked Questions

Grade Point Average Methodology

Class Rank 

Course Multiplier 

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